Monday, October 19, 2009

Introducing Me!

Hello Everyone! Here we are. This is liberating for me! I've been lurking in the corner of my public blog, keeping much to myself. Not just because of the fact that my mom (aka June Cleaver) reads it, but also because there are just some things I want to shout out loud about without all the eye-rolling and whispering that goes along with living on "Wisteria Lane!" So here I sit, fingers trembling with excitement because I have so much pent up bitching to get out and I hardly know where to begin~

OH WAIT..I'll start where ALICE left off...with that man I live with, who is in the "Al Bundy" pose on the sofa, further imprinting it with his ass! He is feeling quite proud because he completed an AMAZING task that, in his eyes, is worthy of praise, worship, BJs and bragging my me! He mowed the lawn. Yes, we know that millions of folks mow their own lawns daily, and I even mow our lawn at times, but it takes MUCH more effort for him because his day is so much harder than mine and your's and his stress is surely greater than everyone you or I could possibly know! Mind Boggling??? Well, this shit happens each and every time he does anything that you or I consider just routine...unload the dishwasher, change a lightbulb..or better yet, a FILTER! Oh, and if he decides this year to clean out the gutters, I better be wearing leather and have whip cream ready when he gets home! Well, F_CK Y__ Y__ F_CK_NG F_CKF_C_! Would you like to buy a vowel???

With a Chance of Turrets

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